Say No to juries and Yes to lie-detector!

I don’t believe in juries, its a waste of everyone’s time. Jeremy kyle has 99.99% that is the best results. Now my reasons are for the innocent to clear their names and not be put to fault from the courts and juries. Now the table can turn to ask the innocents the questions on lying detectors that gives the truth of the matter and let the accused be ordered to take the test also and this should solve a lot of crimes including historical ones too!. This is very serious and a lot of wrong shall be put right and I’d want to be the first to have questions put to me and to have a result at the end and I shall stand firm as I’ve grown to become a very strong black woman and I don’t take back no talk i speak truths and rights and a lot of babies, all children in general deserve to be believed not taken through courts that don’t have the understanding or bad experiences and then put them through court as though they’re on trial reliving that bad experience to then be at fault and left without a chance to put an order and conviction for indecent exposure and abuse to be dealt with correctly for the protection of children when will the suffering be heard and taken seriously immediately! When stop letting them get away scott free these are serious cases being ingnored over and over!!!.

Thank you for listening

Kind regards

Carol James